“All My Springs of Joy are in You”
“All My Springs of Joy are in You”
Psalms 87:7
On the coldest week of the year, I send you a vase of Forget Me Nots beautifully painted to encourage you and bring a smile to your face. Are you a little tired? I am. But I’m also energized. You can be both, right? It was a wonderful PDP meeting at First Central Presbyterian Church. Abilene was a tremendous host. The church meeting was a snap shot of our entire presbytery right in one place worshiping the Lord. Listening, praying, singing and eating. Side by side, we were encouraging one another. There was a lot of conversation about shared resources or ‘What we’ve tried and what worked here that you may want to try there is….’ There was a creative sharing of ways to lift up Christ. We relished in each other’s eternal worth and how each individual is called to lift up the body of Christ. So yes, I’m tired. But I’m energized in the God whose supply comes from Him. All my fresh springs shall be in You Lord. Scott