
Better Together for Christ

Early Bird Registration – on or before November 14 – $395
On Time Registration – through January 4, 2025 – $445

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Featured News

Photo Highlights of the 159th Stated Meeting

The theme of the presbytery was “Better Together for Christ.” The purpose of the gathering was to celebrate our connectedness as congregations and members of the PC(USA) at large and to introduce the results of the work of the “Better Together for Christ” task force.

Thanksgiving Greetings!

Happy Thanksgiving! This week, do you see yourself as the cook or the bird? Thanksgiving makes you think about things above and things below. To the untrained eye, God's people are often a poor and even scorned group around the world. But Christians are constantly changing to be new creations in the image of Christ. [...]

APCE Annual Event Early Bird Registration Pricing Ends Nov. 14th!

The APCE Annual Event is the conference to attend if you serve in educational ministry in any capacity. Think about APCE as an opportunity to spend your continuation.  At the least, plan on APCE as a time of refuge. It is a time where you will be nurtured with creative worship and incredible preachers and [...]

Mission Statement

Palo Duro Presbytery is a part of the body of Christ, a broken but redeemed community of faith in the Reformed tradition, called by God to live and serve in covenant relationship with God, God’s people and God’s creation. In response to God’s call, guided by the Holy Spirit, prayer and Bible study, the faith communities of Palo Duro Presbytery proclaim the Gospel of grace and love in word and deed. (Micah 6:8 and Mark 12:28-31). Connected by grace and love, Palo Duro Presbytery seeks to nurture and support our communities of faith as they discern God’s call to mutual care and opportunities for growth and service.

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