Lord, I will follow thee
Luke 9:61, “Lord, I will follow thee, but first let me go…bid them farewell, which are at my house.”
I feel both the emotion and the logic in this sentence, don’t you?
Most of us aim to be logical, common sensical and emotionally intelligent. We have the goal in sight before we plan and work our way there. We have a habit of doing a thing, and mostly we do that one thing with success each time. Until we either make a mistake or until we want a different result; we logically walk down the always-been-done-this-way of life.
Be it the way I blindly follow a crowd up an escalator or the way I may plan a singular quiet time with God: Always the same. But then this verse strikes me. ‘God, please don’t ask me to do something that is nonsensical and not successful; please don’t ask me to step into the dark.’ I know intellectually if I look at the sum of everything Jesus said we are to step out in faith in non-sencical or different ways. I’m forced to risk being unsuccessful. Can I take one more step toward God’s Word and invest in the promises of God? Faith. Follow. Oh my! Scott
Artist: Alisa Yufa