A Little Breakfast Gem

Last night over dinner my seventeen year old daughter told me she was having a ‘great pandemic’. It is the second day of her senior year. I didn’t know how to take that. She didn’t quite like the quarantine with her parents for the past five months, but she felt closer to her friends. She admitted she was more appreciative of the little details her life. In chaos some things still happen like building friendship, she says. She can still reach out to others for example. Thank God for Instagram, Pandora and Tik Tok, she says. I’m absorbing these teen moments.
Listening to all of this, I’m sitting here this morning with a cup of French roasted coffee and listening to Bill Evan’s duet with Charlie Haden jazz masterpiece “Peace Piece” on Pandora. So beautiful. I’m having a devotion and fine tuning my sermon for Sweetwater. The Word to start this day is John 1:9, “The true light, which enlightens everyone, was coming into the world.” I take that as one of God’s beautiful, assuring promises. In the middle of chaos the living Word of God affects the hearts of all created ones as light of the world, the light of our souls. There’s no escaping light in the darkness. And it is for everyone. Even in the darkest chaos, the light is bright and finds us. It assures us. It holds us tight.
I love reading little gems in the Bible that I’ve read and read my entire life but didn’t quite get me initially. Today it hits me like a pandemic. Here in the still of a morning is a shining little gem about the eternal God shining in dark chaos. Thank you Jesus. Thank you triune God.
Advanced ZOOM Skills with Kristen
Kristen Bridwell, FCPC – Abilene, will lead an Advanced Zoom class
Kristen Bridwell, FCPC – Abilene, will lead an Advanced Zoom class
- August 26th, 3:00 PM. All are invited
- The link to join will be sent out on Monday August 24th via Ministers
- We learned so many things last time. Submit questions early.

“Anti-Racism Capacity Building,” developed by Warren Chalklen, Ph.D.
Beginning August 14, a four-part live presentation via internet began and will be offered each Friday through September 4, from 12 noon to 1:30 central time.
If you registered, you will get the details of the link to connect the night before. If you’re registered you can listen to the recording of the previous Webinar on the Synod Network site to listen to it after the fact. Some of us loved it. Some us were not fans. It sparked a lot of conversation. Most of us got at least one piece of insight that we can take with us. And that’s just week one. Reminder, you can still register late and week to week. Let Cyndi know. email pdpcyndi@gmail.com