Blessing Box

What’s Right About Our Church First Presbyterian Church, Sweetwater, Texas?
Over the years, the neighborhood where our church is located has gone the way of older sections of town in just about every city in our nation. What was once a thriving and highly sought-after apartment complex across the street from our church is now a government subsidized housing unit. We wanted a way to reach out to our neighbors with the love of Christ. The Blessing Box was built. There are many children in our area and most live below the poverty level. Food is definitely a priority for these families. We also put gently used shoes, Bibles, new socks and underwear, and other items in the Blessing Box. During the height of the pandemic, toilet paper was another highly favored commodity! We are blessed in the giving and our neighbors are lavished with the love of Christ. Pastor Kathy Monroe
A child of God, of First Presbyterian in Pampa and of Palo Duro Presbytery has been named the Acting Presbyter of Southern Louisiana. Rev. Richard Williams was reared here, under care of our Presbytery. He was a recipient of a PDP Celebration Scholarship. After his seminary education at McCormick Seminary in Chicago, he was ordained in Palo Duro. He has served the PC(USA) as a Mission Co-Worker in Barranquilla, Columbia; he was the administer for the Young Adult Volunteer Program at PC(USA) headquarters before beginning his tenure; he offices in Baton Rouge.