Apply Now for a PDP Celebration Scholarship

Apply by Monday, March 17, 2025
The Celebration Scholarship was founded to support the religious, charitable, and educational undertakings of PDP by providing for academic scholarships to Presbyterian youth to further their opportunities for education beyond the high school level.
Scholarships extend up to eight semesters ($500 each semester) and are awarded to graduating high school students. Students must be active members of PC(USA) congregations located in Palo Duro Presbytery and wish to attend post-secondary institutions of learning.
Scholarship Application packets may be downloaded from the RESOURCES page of this website. (Right column under Applications & Forms.)
Complete applications must be received no later than Monday, March 17, 2025.
Inquiries may be sent to Celebration Scholarship Board President Mona Statser at
Please share this information with churches, students, and families
in Palo Duro Presbytery!