Worship Online
Abilene, TX
- First Central Presbyterian, Abilene, Texas. This is recorded already. Two ways to access: Go to the webpage which is www.fcpc.net. Go to the top of the fcpc web page. At the very top you will see a box that says “worship on line” – click on that box and it should work or you can go through Facebook: www.facebook.com/fcpcabilene
- Westminster Presbyterian Church, Abilene, Texas. Services are now available on You Tube at https://www.youtube.com/watch or on Face Book at https://www.facebook.com/WestminsterPresbyterianChurchAbileneTx/
Amarillo, TX
- St. Luke Presbyterian, Amarillo, Texas. This is accessible live Sunday mornings at 11:00 AM https://www.facebook.com/stlukeamarillo/ When the login pops up, click “Not Now”.
Borger, TX
- First Presbyterian Church, Borger, Texas will be sharing their services. Please follow this link for more information: Our sermons are all being posted to Face Book. Please visit us at: https://www.facebook.com/First-Presbyterian-Church-of-Borger-102164504721161/
Bowie, TX
- United Presbyterian Church of Montague County, Bowie, Texas is currently sharing their services via Face Book. Please follow this link for more information. https://www.facebook.com/upcomc
Canyon, TX
- First Presbyterian Church, Canyon, Texas will be sharing their services. Please follow this link for more information: Our sermons are all being posted to YouTube rather than streamed on Face Book. Please visit us at: https://tinyurl.com/fpc-canyon
Dumas, TX
- First Presbyterian Church, Dumas Texas services via face book: https://www.facebook.com/First-Presbyterian-Church-Dumas-1614073565569756/
Haskell, TX
- First Presbyterian Church – Haskell, Texas
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/
Littlefield, TX
- First Presbyterian Church, Littlefield, Texas worship can be found by: Church website is fpclfd.org. Or dot com. Or dot net. There’s a link to our YouTube channel on the page. Or just search Littlefield Presbyterian on YouTube.
Lubbock, TX
- Covenant Presbyterian Church, Lubbock, Texas. Please join them for worship on Sunday mornings at 11 am using the link below: https://zoom.us/j/349465854
- First Presbyterian Church, Lubbock, TX. Please join us at worship as we are now available on www.fpclubbock.org, firstpresbyterianchurchlbk , and on YouTube at First Presbyterian Church Lubbock
Pampa, TX
- Presbyterian Church, Pampa, Texas via face book: https://www.facebook.com/First-Presbyterian-Church-Pampa-670903003016494/Order of Worship, instructions as how to view the service for Facebook users, and instructions on how to become a Facebook user and view the service can be found on their face book page.
Stamford, TX
- Central Presbyterian Church – Stamford, Texas
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/
Vernon, TX
- First Presbyterian Church, Vernon, Texas: https://www.facebook.com/firstpresvernon/ Go to the face book page, click video’s for sermons.
Wichita Falls, TX
- New Hope Presbyterian Church, Wichita Falls, Texas. This is accessible live Sunday mornings at 10:45 AM. www.facebook.com/newhopepc/
- Trinity Presbyterian Church, Wichita Falls, Texas. Live worship services available on their face book page at: https://www.facebook.com/TrinityPreswf/