Disaster Assistance Update

Presbyters, may I update you on our disaster assistance with the tragedies in the Ukraine and Jacksboro? I have fielded a few phone calls from church members that asked, “What and when were we going to respond to Ukraine and Jacksboro?” Oh my. Please help me get the word out and share this with your churches, committees, and friends of our collective churches.
1. NOROC: Palo Duro has raised $31,406.55 in our challenge grants between our forty churches to support our PDP mission organization that was already on the ground from the first day of the War on Ukraine. That doubles the initial challenge. Of course, many individuals may have sent their donations to NOROC directly, but the presbytery is a clearinghouse and forwards all monies it receives for all presbytery donations and commitments. The humanitarian need is great, and please continue to give as you are called to do so. The donation link is here. I also have attached a current picture from our Mission Co-worker Carol Schempp via Director in place Petru Solca.
NOROC on behalf of all churches across the land has received a total of 119 donations in the past month. This includes Palo Duro’s donation; many donations counted are a compilation donation of many smaller donations or multiple church donations.
The Synod the Sun as I have reported earlier offered a separate $20,000.00 donation a few weeks ago. The Synod recorded a special podcast recently with Carol and Rich Schempp about our efforts with NOROC at this historical time that describes NOROC beautifully (click under Ukrainian Refugees):
2. The PC(USA): As a denomination, the PC(USA) has collected roughly $1 million toward Ukrainian relief.
3. Jacksboro: PDP working with the Presbytery Disaster Assistance (most known as PDA), sent a grant for $7,500.00 this past Thursday, March 24th, to The Parish. Today I have heard many churches in our presbytery are also responding with special plate collections. Elder Mitchell Davenport said, “Parts of Jacksboro look like some of the scenes in Ukraine.” The Rev. Dr. Suzanne Castles of the church in Jacksboro lists supplies needed as they take the herculean tasks being one of the sites for ongoing classrooms in the recovery. Perhaps your church may be called to help.
Special needs for The Parish in Jacksboro, Texas
We need the following (and you can send directly to The Jacksboro Parish— the president of the school board is in my church along with five elementary teachers and the ISD cafeteria manager)
- Carpet squares to littles to sit on
- Educational manipulative
- Balls
- Jump ropes
- Games
- Puzzles
- Gift cards to places like Amazon or just VISA/MC that could be used in the metroplex for school supply stores
It will be a long while until insurance helps replace many (if at all) items like manipulative and things used on the playground. Our property will be the playground for the elementary school and PE (for now), so I’m beginning the process of getting items here.
Jacksboro Parish
PO Box 716
Jacksboro TX 76458
They might include a note stating it is for educational school relief if it is a gift card or donation.
With gratitude, Rev. Dr. Suzanne Castle, jacksboroparish.com.