147th Stated Meeting
The 147th stated meeting of Palo Duro Presbytery is Friday, September 25th | 5- 7:30 on Zoom Please note additional Supplemental Packet #2 which speaks to Committee on Ministry Action #1. supplemental-packet-2 The packet for this meeting has been updated as of 9/23/2020. Page numbers have changed, but reports remain the same. The password remains the […]
Abuse Prevention and Boundary Awareness Training
Abuse Prevention and Boundary Awareness Training Photo Credit: Tatiana Doronina Abuse Prevention and Boundary Awareness Training ACTION TO DO: Coordinate with Julie Johnson * Email her to schedule Julie Johnson mindocs@midplains.coop Palo Duro Presbytery is offering two options to complete this mandatory training this year. One option will provide access to online training that would [...]