Celebration Scholars Return to Studies
Most of our university students have begun classes this week. I’m sending a shot of the presbytery wall that highlights the Celebration Scholars to remind us to pray for them and to speak about the Celebration Scholarship.
Allow me to also list the scholars and the schools they attend. Will you join me in praying for them?
God of power, give our students the strength to be college students and to be strong when necessary. We collectively pray for our students to begin their studies, many away from their homes. Love them and protect them like you have all along. We pray for their lives and their times with new friends, new mentors, new experiences, and new ideas. God be with the parent letting go. God be with the student striving toward new things. God is for us in Jesus Christ. Amen.

Andrew Brokovich, First Central, Abilene – Texas Tech University
Evely Ludington, First, Canyon – University of Texas
Jacob Pate, First Central, Abilene – Texas A & M University
Susanna Shelton, Covenant, Lubbock – University of St. Thomas
Addee Williams, First, Snyder – West Texas A&M University
Mason Bagwell, First, Pampa – McMurry University
Will Ferguson, Grace, Lubbock – South Plains College
Tripp Mills, First, Canadian – Tarleton State University
Anna White, First Central, Abilene – Texas Tech University
Max Dumbauld, First, Canadian – Oklahoma State University