Jesus says, “Why fearful?”

Are you like me? We have several who come to the office asking for financial help. This last week someone walked up to me in the park and asked that I simply pray with him. This stranger called himself a sheep; I feel often like a goat myself for my stubbornness at not having more faith in tough times. I run into old friends, too, who are visibly worried. Visceral. There’s a common weariness in everyone’s eyes. “I cannot wait until after this election aftermath.” “I cannot wait to go back to normal.” Each one of us worries over a series of things all at once: The virus, the election, the economy, the church surviving, the education of our children and the ability to go back to normal. Fear, uncertainty and death. And this verse came to me in a devotion today “Why are you fearful; O you of little faith.” Matthew 8:26. What a succinct memory verse for our pocket that says so much. Jesus just seems to say, “YOU MISSED IT AGAIN.” There are times in our life when there are fears or crisis’s when we may do our human best, but we know it is not enough. We reveal instantly to whom we belong. All our days we have been learning and knowing God, to trust Him. These moments show us that we may go to the breaking point but not break in our confidence in the Holy One, our God.
Lap Robes and Shawls for the Elderly
NOROC staff and kids deliver gift bags to the local homes of the elderly in Tulcea as part of their annual Christmas pageant presentation. Included in the gift bags are lap robes and shawls that have been handmade with love by NOROC friends here. It is a year round effort, but as you think about Christmas this year consider home made blankets, shawls and robes or purchasing one to gift. They provide comfort and joy to forgotten senior citizens as well as an opportunity for these young people to give back to their neighbors in Tulcea Romania. May we the NOROC mission co-laborer in Palo Duro get out your knitting needles, crochet hooks, or sewing machines and help stitch up a new supply! OR might you want to purchase one to gift. Homemade or purchased, please mail to NOROC, 200 Hedges Road, Abilene, Texas 79605.
Please mail to:
NOROC, 200 Hedges Road
Abilene, Texas 79605
NOROC, 200 Hedges Road
Abilene, Texas 79605

2021 Statistical Report
YOUR Presbytery Palo Duro is yours. Thank you for being our co-laborer. We rely on you to keep the presbytery moving and healthy. Along with your missional dollars, this statistical packet is one of those things that keeps the church operational, connectional, and relevant. The Clerk of Session or a Session appointed person must fill this out.
1. BUT. If you need help, we want to help. Call Cyndi at 806-797-2417. She will help or complete the form with you. This is key.
2. Key dates: May begin to enter data on Dec. 4th. Must return data and finish data entry January 31st, 2021. Minister salary data is due to PDP by March 2