Rev. Jihyun Oh, New Stated Clerk of PC(USA) to Preach at Presbytery Meeting

I am over the moon to share our fortunate news that The Reverend Jihyun Oh, newly installed Stated Clerk of the PC(USA) will be our guest preacher for the 159th Meeting of Palo Duro Presbytery.  Our theme is “Better Together for Christ.”

You already know PDP will meet at Covenant Presbyterian Church, the last Friday evening and Saturday morning, September 27th and 28th.  You already know you need to book your lodging because that is a Texas Tech football game weekend where hotels tend to gouge their room prices; please book before August 27th.  If you have trouble, let the presbytery office know.

Perhaps you do not know how special Jihyun is, and you may not know how she has been helping PDP for many years.  You are the presbytery, and this is your meeting.


A Bit of Background

An excerpt from the news release from

With family members laying on their hands and more than 500 commissioners and advisory delegates in full-throated support as well, the Rev. Jihyun Oh was elected and then installed as the next Stated Clerk of the General Assembly Monday. Oh, who’s currently director of Mid Council Ministries in the Office of the General Assembly, begins her new work on Aug. 1.

“I love this church, the part of the body of Christ that is the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.),” Oh told the assembly. “I love this church for who we have been, warts and all, and for who we are now, and who we will become as we faithfully discern God’s call for us.”

After the vote, members of Oh’s family joined her on the platform to lay hands on her and participate in the litany of her installation, along with members of the Stated Clerk Nomination Committee. One committee member, Nelson Capitan, sang Oh an honor song, and the entire assembly sang, “Be Thou My Vision.”

Committee members who were present said nice things about the leader they selected.

“Someone along the way said to me, ‘Jihyun is always the smartest person in the room — any room,’” said the Rev. Dr. Sallie Watson, the committee’s moderator. “But along with her intelligence, we were impressed with her wisdom, moved by her humility, thrilled with her passion for soccer, delighted by her sense of humor, and just blown away by the breadth and depth of her experience in, and love for, the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.).”

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