Lean Into Easy And Light

This Thanksgiving I’m feeling a bit like this plump turkey. Better not because I know this bird’s fate. I have to lean instead on Jesus and Matthew 11:30, “My yoke is easy, and my burden is light.” These words, of course, are at the end of a well-quoted phrase that begins with “Come to me all who are weary.” But last words of 11:30! Oh my. Jesus ends the simple charge: “My yoke is easy, and my burden is light.” As if to say, “Come on young disciple; I’ve got you.” On the quick, it isn’t not easy at all. I feel like I want to accomplish everything myself. A pandemic has a way of humbling everyone of us. I cannot do too many things this year but stay home. I cannot save myself. I cannot atone for my own sin. I cannot save the world. I cannot make holy what is profane. I cannot do anything really. But.
I remember talking to Dr. Fred White in Tulcea last year on the NOROC trip and discussing life, death and godliness. He said, “I can learn to rely on Him.” All this time later I’m not sure of what part of discipleship we were discussing. All I remember is his emphasis on ‘can’. I can choose to rely on Him. Yes.
Well. Silence. I can rely… I can intentionally aim to rely on the One who can. I can pursue Him intentionally. I can spend time quietly with the Living Word every day to know Him a little more. I can help my neighbor. I can respect them and love them by wearing my mask. A friend just shared with me a phone text picture of a beautiful cross just to encourage me. A few church folks know I curate poems for Orders of Worship, so they send Mary Oliver poems or digital pieces of art via email. Lifts me up every time. I want to do the same today with this image and these words to you. Carry this small verse in your pocket or purse and aim to lean into it. Memorize it. Lean into it spiritually and intellectually. Aim to share it to one person a day as we approach Thanksgiving. Do it by phone, text or in masked-person. Lean into it. Easy and light. We can creatively encourage one another this Thanksgiving. I send this Eastman Johnson (American, 1824-1906) digital turkey and Jesus’ powerful promise with all of the love and respect I can muster to you. We can rely on our Lord and Savior perhaps this year more than most. It is an act of the will, isn’t it? Scott

Key Dates for the Church Minister and Clerk
- Remember that the BOO requires each council of the church to conduct “a full financial review of all financial books and records” each year. BOO G-3.0113.
- Each each session shall adopt and implement a sexual misconduct policy and a child and youth protection policy. BOO G-3.0106. Each year your session should reflect in their minutes that such policies have been adopted.
- Annual Clerk’s Report for PC(USA)- Each church should have received the packet two weeks ago. Churches may begin to enter data on the PCUSA website on Dec. 4th. Jan. 31, 2021 is the last date for data entry. Cyndi is ready and willing to help you directly. Call her at 806-797-2417
- Minister salary data is due to PDP by March 2.
- Abuse Prevention and Boundary Awareness Training. Sexual misconduct prevention training for ministers should be completed by Dec. 31, 2020. This training is open to all church members and leaders also HOW TO SIGN UP: Coordinate with Dr. Julie Johnson (mindocs@midplains.coop). The on-line course is approximately 1 ½ -2 hours and can be done at your schedule with a stop and begin and stop again format. The cost is $24/head to be paid by participant church to PDP.
PDP Office Hours
Due to Covid Restrictions, PDP in-office hours have been adjusted. Cyndi and Scott are trading 1/2 days working and home in-office. Seamless and available 806-797-2417.
Email: pdpcyndi@gmail.com
Email: eppdpssl@gmail.com
November 25-27 – Office Closed for Thanksgiving
First Presbyterian in Canadian Has A New Minister
Rev. Kyle Segars began his role on November 15th. He comes to Palo Duro Presbytery from Mackinac Presbytery, but he’s most home in the South. He was born in the north Georgia mountains where he later attended and graduated from Piedmont College. Studying history, religion and music; he was active with Chamber Singers, Chapel Choir and in leadership at his home church. Being a child of the church and having always felt a call to ministry, Kyle entered Columbia Theological Seminary, where he graduated with a Master of Divinity degree in 1999 and a Master of Theology degree in 2002.
Over the past 15 years, serving churches in the desert of Arizona, the mountains of western North Carolina, and the north woods of northern Michigan, Kyle has been richly blessed by the faith and gifts of the church body and hopes he has been a blessing in return. He’s accustomed to be very involved in presbytery.
Kyle’s wife, Melanie Dadole Segars, who is from the southern island of Mindanao in the Philippines, attended Mt. Apo Alliance Bible College and now ministers to others (especially her family). Melanie and Kyle are blessed to love and be loved by four children: Sedona Grace and Silas Pax who live in Birmingham, Alabama, Azzykyll Dadole who lives in Cagayan De Oro City, Mindanao, and Cora Maeve who was just born in 2019 and looks forward to growing up on the plains of Texas in Canadian. He’s been prayed over long before he crossed the state line!