“Lord, I will follow you, but….”

PDP Newsletter:  
“Lord, I will follow you, but…”

We have Ash Wednesday and the beginning of Lent on our minds.  It’s here already, and I have this phrase on my mind from Luke 9:61. 

I was thinking about the great conjunction “but” in the Bible.  There’s the greatest example, I think, in Romans 6:23, “The wages of sin are death but the free gift of God is eternal life is Christ Jesus.”  Monumental.  So, then as a type of spiritual practice I thought, what are the other great but – references in the Bible?  How about this one at the very end of John 21:25, “We know his testimony is true, but there are also many other things that Jesus did.”  That verse has always made we wonder at the enormity of all the Gospel eye-witness accounts we don’t know.

This week, however, I think of the disciple who so wanted to pursue Jesus and said, “Lord, I will follow you, but….” From Luke 9:61.  Jesus asks so much of us all.  It is logical to say to the Lord, “Yes, but…”    Hang on just a minute, Lord.  Not yet, Lord  It is a natural thing to say it.  On this Ash Wednesday week we must step forward without reservation, without a “but”.  Don’t you think so?  As followers of Jesus, we are asked often to leap forward without going back and taking care of common-sense tasks.  We step forward in faith.  No conjunction but.  It is the hardest thing to be a disciple of Jesus.



Special Called Meeting

To Commission RE Kathy Monroe as the
Commissioned Pastor

March 14, 2020 @ 1:00 PM
First Presbyterian Church
1311 McCaulley Street
Sweetwater, Texas 79556

The Rev. Elizabeth Stites-deSteiguer of Trinity Presbyterian Church of Wichita Falls and her husband, Josh,
are the new parents of  Asher, who was born on the evening of February 11th,
weighing in at 10 pounds and 3 ounces and measuring 23 inches long.


146th Stated Meeting of Palo Duro Presbytery

This will be a (1) One Day Only Meeting
Saturday, April 25, 2020
First Presbyterian Church
140 E. 4th Street (East 4th & Chestnut)
Baird, Texas 79106

The Vital Church Gathering in San Antonio April 27-30

Vital Churches is completing its first waves of pilot projects in various presbyteries and this Gathering will be a time of hearing results and learning about what is offered for the next wave of presbyteries and congregations to get involved in January 2021.  Janell Blair is interested in attending to glean information for our presbytery but would like others from Palo Duro to attend as well, so we can determine if these programs will be useful here. For more information on the Vital Church Gathering go to vitalcongregations@pcusa.org.  If you plan to attend, team up with Janell at #(361)920-2492.
Documentation is linked for your use here.

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