Open House and Dedication You’re Invited

Open House August 14 at 4pm
Days of Grace Chapel, Colorado City
PDP Mission in our backyard. Join the excitement. Days of Grace Kids Care in Colorado City is now open for full day child care. After 18 months of renovations and with a fully trained and licensed staff, Days of Grace Kids Care, Inc. will host a building dedication and open house for the public on
Sunday August 14th at 4 pm.
Come look us over and enjoy some food and fellowship.
We will have drawings for door prizes.
Phone: 325-750-7103
Hours: 7am-6pm
1111 E. 9th St. Colorado City, Texas 79512
Located in the “Reily early Learning Center”
Kids Care’s mission is to help children grow and thrive while sharing Christ, developing their minds, and nurturing citizens for ALL our tomorrow.
Palo Duro Presbytery – 153rd Stated Meeting
FPC Sweetwater
Sept. 30 – Oct. 1 12:00 pm
“Welcome Home to NOROC”
Details Coming Soon
Sept. 30 – Oct. 1 12:00 pm