Registration is open for Presbyterian Youth Triennium

Every Palo Duro Presbytery young person who can attend Youth Triennium should go. You’ll be so glad you did–it’s an experience you don’t want to miss! —Erica Smyth, past Youth Triennium youth participant, First Presbyterian Church, Canadian

Presbyterian Youth Triennium

July 28-31, 2025  |  Louisville, KY

Triennium is an ecumenical event hosted by the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) and the Cumberland Presbyterian Church that gathers young people across the United States and Canada every 3 years. This year’s event will be held in Louisville, Kentucky. It is a well-planned and thoughtfully led event focused on worship, disciple-making, Christian compassion and justice, and biblical/theological education. It is also a catalyst for many young people to take the next steps in their faith.

PYT is for students who are entering high school freshmen in fall 2025 through graduated seniors. Young adults ages 19-23 are also invited this year.

The registration deadline is May 28, but those registering by March 30 may be eligible for an additional scholarship.

The cost per student is $300 from the student and $300 from the student’s church. However, we do not want money to be the reason a student cannot attend. Please reach out to Grace Sosa if you have a student who needs an additional scholarship.

To see what Triennium is all about, watch this video.

2019 PYT

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