How I Taught Myself and Others to Give

Ten Stewart-ship Commandments
or How I Taught Myself and Others to Give
or How I Taught Myself and Others to Give
Shared by Rev. Dr. Cliff Stewart
First Central Presbyterian Church, Abilene
- Thou shalt not grumble. Stewardship is important, and I am convinced that it is life giving. Raise your standard of living, remembering that giving is inseparably tied up with living.
- Thou shalt not give what is left over. The Bible talks about first fruits. Give off the top not off the bottom. (Yes, it takes faith to give first fruits!)
- Thou shalt not give only money.
- Thou shalt not give only time.
- Thou shalt not try to keep your treasure to yourself. You cannot take it with you. Bounce your last check on your time on this earth. The great missionary Jim Elliot said, “He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep in order to gain that which he cannot lose.”
- Thou shalt not give only when it feels good. Give that which is costly to you. Worship without sacrifice is worthless.
- Thou shalt not disregard the smallest gift given by the smallest child. Mr. Rogers once said, if he had to do it over again, he would teach children first and foremost how to give. Most churches’ largest givers by percentage are the smallest amounts. Takes your breath away.
- Thou shalt not forget that life is a gift given to you. Remember the man of whom it was said: He was born on third base and thinks he hit a triple.
- Thou shalt not talk about it – do it!
- Thou shalt not give because I have to (grudge giving). Thou shalt not give because I ought to (duty giving). Thou shalt give because I want to (thanksgiving giving).