Time to Register for WARP’D 2025!

WARP’D (Weekend Activity Retreat in Palo Duro) 2025: Come join the Austin College ACtivators as we talk about lambs, wolves, demons, snakes, bugs, Jesus, cell phones, and kangaroos.
REGISTRATION DEADLINE: Noon, Monday, February 3
(No exceptions! Lodging arrangements require advance reservations.)
WHO: Middle and High School Youth (Grades 6 – 12)
WHAT: WARP’D (Weekend Activity Retreat in Palo Duro)
WHEN: Saturday, February 8 (11 a.m.) to Sunday, February 9 (Concludes with attending worship.)
WHERE: First Central Presbyterian Church, Abilene, 400 Orange Street
THEME: “Hopping on Snakes and Scorpions” (Luke 10:1-9, 17-20)
MEALS: Saturday lunch and supper, plus snacks; Sunday breakfast will be offered at the hotel
LODGING: The presbytery will provide Saturday night lodging (hotel) for those coming from outside Abilene. Each congregation must provide adequate adult sponsorship to supervise its own young people according to the congregation’s youth protection policy. Adults will have separate rooms from young people unless immediate family members are placed together, as in parent/grandparent and young person. Young people from different congregations may be placed together to minimize the number of rooms needed. If special accommodations are needed for any reason, please contact PDP Common Life Ministry Moderator SarahLee Morris (sarahleemorris@hotmail.com) as soon as possible.